Executive Director
Phone number
1300 974 618

Keely has over 15 years’ experience in senior management positions both the private and public housing sectors.

Prior to her current role, Keely has held state operational management positions in both South Australia and Western Australia and has extensive knowledge in building and establishing successful operations.

Keely has experience in overseeing the management of a range of programs, including Aboriginal housing programs, disability housing, private rental, and social and affordable housing. Keely holds a current real estate license in Western Australia and South Australia.

Keely oversees management of the company’s housing operations in Australia ensuring responsive, high quality efficient services are delivered to customers. She ensures a quality assurance and control framework is implemented across all housing operations and has oversight of the development and maintenance of effective and respectful partnering in the delivery of services to customers.

She manages national operational and strategic risks in response to CHL’s risk management plan, and ensures that CHL operations nationally achieve consistent, efficient and effective standards, as adapted to contract requirements.

She ensures operational policies and procedures are reviewed and updated as required, and reports to senior management and the Board on company performance and operations.